7 Tips for a Flat Belly

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Ladies, if you want a rockin’ lean body when you step up to the altar, follow these seven tips from Belly Off for true wedding day success.

Tip 1: Set Realistic Expectations
The first step to getting in shape and losing weight is setting measurable goals. Track your progress each day and set a deadline to motivate yourself. Don't fall into the trap of unrealistic expectations…it will only set you up for failure.

Tip 2: Start Sooner Rather Than Later
Don’t wait—begin exercising now. Every day is one step further from your goals. For most women, it will take at least three months to really get in a shape you will be proud of. If you plan six months out, not only will you get in great shape, you will keep it long after you are married.

Tip 3: Get a Training Program You Can Follow
Three times a week is a minimum, but make sure you enjoy it and can commit to it. The best program is the one you enjoy and can do regularly.

Tip 4: Lift Some Weights
Cardio won’t give you lean, shapely muscles and a defined shape, but weights will. Plus, they will help you burn more calories every single day! And don’t worry, you won’t get too big or bulky—that myth was dispelled decades ago.

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